Apatah lagi jika kerbau-kerbau ini duduk sekandang, memakan rumput bersama-sama.
Itulah yang boleh diumpamakan dengan kerjasama "You tolong i, I tolong you" antara Sultan Melaka Ketum Noor Jan Shah dan Presiden HWT Group, Robin Tan. Opss, sorry..bila jadi geng Sultan, you pun dpt Dato Sri Paduka Robin Tan.
Sultan Ketum bagi (baca: jual) pingat kat manusia2 yang nak kan pangkat,
Robin Tan bagi (baca: jual) award kat businessmen/businesswomen yang nak kan kredibility
Apa Kaitan Sultan Melaka Ketum dengan Robin Tan?
1) Sultan Ketum bagi (baca: jual) pangkat Dato' Sri Paduka kat Robin Tan
2) Robin Tan pun ajak Sultan Ketum rasmikan majlis awardnya iaitu Golden Phoenix Award dan Asia Honesty Award pada 2013..bagus utk Ketum dan bagus utk bisnes award jual Robin..ape tak nya, sultan cemar duli bg award kat penerima (eh, pembeli) award ko, gile tak mantop?
3) Robin utk beli satu lagi pingat dari golongan pembesar sendiri-appoint di Indonesia plak yang dikenali sebagai KETETAPAN KUASA JAWATAN MAJELIS KERAPATAN AGUNG ADAT NUSANTARA (ntah pape laaa)
4) Sebab Ketum da xberani keluar siang2 sebagai sultan, maka Robin pun xnak la dikaitkan dengan Ketum lagi..maka keluarlah status ni:
Kesian Ketum..nak jadi sultan xdpt..nak jadi patron pun xdapat huhu
Siapa Sebenarnya Prof Dato Sri Paduka Dr Robin Tan?
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SCAM. It's written all over your face. |
Mari kita tengok profile ROBIN TAN ni:
After trying a variety of professions, he decided to stay in the media industry in order to make use of the power of media to encourage people having a positive mind-set.
Maksudnya: Robin Tan ni da buat banyak kerja/bisnes, tp sume xjalan..jadi untuk senang kelentong orang, dia join bisnes media.
Jap, nama dia ada Prof. Dr..so dia ni power lah?
Powerrrr sgt..Nak tahu dia dpt PhD dari University mana?
Robin beli dari website degree mill.ala yg jual sijil-sijil palsu ni..beli je..duit banyak ape tipu sana-sini :)
Siapa Mangsa Tipu BinBinTan?
Kebanyakannya businessman dan businesswomen dan company-company yang baru nak up..nak tambah kredibiliti kononnya dia ada menang award tp bisnes xkemana pun..xde plak aku tengok company yg betul2 establish menang award..ni namanya award shiokk sendiri saje maaa
Macam Mana Dengan Award Yang Company HWT tu dapat?
Haha. Ni lagi lawak. Sendiri buat award, sendiri award kat sendiri punya company. HAHA!
Kenapa Nak Sangat Bongkar Pasal HWT dan Award Jual Beli ni?
1) Supaya kita belajar dan tak mudah tertipu
2) Supaya Ketum dan konco-konconya tak buat sesuka hati mak bapak diorang lagi
3) Sebab aku mmg suka selongkar penipuan orang haha
may i ask izzit really have "Dato Sri Paduka" ? as i know only have Dato & Dato seri
ReplyDeleteplease clarify
Careful with this Dato' Zahari new scamming friend. This scammer called himself Dato' whose I believe a good title in Malaysia. This Dato' also call himself as a Judge. Same goes to another link bastard Thana Balan P Jaganathan with Global Oil 57 and now Yida Construction (Overseas) Pte Limited. This Thana is the same as the stupid Judge title with Dato' Zahari. They will take money from the victims and runs away.
ReplyDeleteFrom the outside, they will say they have so many things, constructions, hospitals, oils, shits and bastards. Inside, nothing, zero. They will put up offices, mostly virtual office with long outstanding payments or using other people's small office. Try go to their offices, they will meet outside, in hotel or other places. If you do constructions, one JCB should do a great job, but nothing, blanks. This bastard even spread complete nonsense bullshit on constructions.
Dato' Zahari and the group scammers with Nataniel who is clearly fake judges are now having fake offices in Hong Kong, China, and now even Indonesia. Careful with their appearance, they will dress up nicely and ask for money. Pictures are also very impressive. So do not believe all this. Do check throughly.
Now they put Yida Construction. The real Yida Construction is also making losses and almost bankrupt. These monkeys now depending on this fake company to collect money. The website is also free website. They talk investments but know shits about it.
This conman is now on a move. Dare to touch us money. The group now putting up a stupid show in Yida Construction (Overseas) Pte Limited. For those who met this scammer group, check what they really have. Nothing, zero. The office is rental, using other people's name and run away when people knew about it. Macedonia is a great country but at certain extent, they won't check this bastard's office. I urge those officials to go to Yida office and see what they really have. Complete bullshit. Surely Thana, now alter his monkey name to Thanabalan J, being ashamed of his father's name Jaganathan, sell people's proposal like hospitals, he really likes hospitals for development of a country which is not making any sense since the bulging blacky know nothing about medical practice and he will drop huge amount of investments to anyone he met. Towards the end, it is always empty promises and keeping silence.
ReplyDeleteBe very careful, this group's intention is always to get photos and then collect people's money. This scam as per what I know has been very long in operation and lots of people looking for this team especially Thana. I get to know Thana from my special relationship with Denny Purnama and later Choong Kar, these two both are very big liars, will even deny this as well. Anyway, your team is very much welcomed to my home country, we will take very good care of you should you intend to come. You are now a judge and you should know the laws so there is nothing to be afraid of. I saw vacancies in your free website, can you put my name as a judge even though I have no knowledge on laws? Maybe some money will make me the top judge on your fake, nonsense judge organisation.